Chemical Physics


Researchers in chemical physics apply physical methods and theory to study molecular and collective properties of chemical systems. The focus is on understanding complex phenomena from gas phase molecular dynamics, to nanoscale, mesoscale, and biological phenomena, through model systems and fundamental physical principles.

These research groups participate in theÌýChemical Physics Ph.D.Ìý±è°ù´Ç²µ°ù²¹³¾.

Chemical Physics Research Groups

Ìý Our research interests are related to the theory of ultrafast processes in molecules. We use analytical methods, applied math techniques and high performance computing to study nonperturbative and nonlinear processes induced by strong laser fields. Applications of these processes support the development of new ultrafast laser technologies and measurement techniques at the level of electron dynamics in matter.

Ìý Our work is in theoretical biophysics, soft condensed-matter theory, systems biology and bioinformatics. Several current areas of interest are motor-protein motion and collective effects in motor-filament interactions, the biophysics of cell division, DNA elasticity and DNA-protein interactions, coupled linear aggregation and liquid-crystal ordering, and analysis of mass spectra in proteomics.

Ìý ÌýThe Eaves group uses statistical mechanics, quantum dynamics, and computation to understand physical properties of condensed phase systems and nanostructures. Research in the group focuses on ultrafast exciton dynamics in carbon nanostructures; multi-electron processes in polar solvents, molecular crystals, and nanocrystals; nanoscale isomers of ligands on gold; and the interplay between mesoscopic physical forces and enzyme kinetics during nucleic acid remodeling.

Ìý Our research is focussed on chemical reaction dynamics and mechanism in solution and at surfaces, and allied phenomena such as vibrational energy flow. Our weapons are analytic theory, classical and quantum dynamics, quantum chemistry and simulations. Topics of current interest include water splitting and carbon dioxide reduction, charge transfer reactions at interfaces, photochemical conical intersection dynamics, hydrogen bond dynamics of water next to DNA--especially in connection with anti-cancer drug intercalation, and biological proton transfers

Ìý We develop new ultrafast laser and x-ray sources as part of our research in optical science, and we apply these light sources for new experiments in physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering

Ìý Our group works in the broader field of developing nanoscale materials and processes for applications in energy and biology. We utilize design, synthesis, and spectroscopy for tailoring fundamental properties of nanoscaled materials for energy harvesting and novel therapeutics, and developing new spectroscopic techniques for single-molecule DNA sequencing and biomarker discovery for applications in personalized medicine, identifying disease biomarkers, and developing novel targets for vaccines and therapy.

The Nesbitt Laboratory pursues research in four main areas:

The group's work involves extensive use of state-of-the art cw and ultrafast pulsed laser technology, nonlinear generation of tunable mid and near-infrared laser light, fast analog electronics, IR frequency comb light sources, scan probe methods, confocal microscopy, planar supersonic expansions, plasma discharges, and quantum theoretical calculations. The central unifying goal of the research program is the elucidation of the fundamental kinetics and dynamics of elementary chemical/biophysical processes from both experimental and theoretical perspectives.

Ìý Professor Nozik's group collaborates with the National Renewable Energy Lab in the study of size quantization effects in semiconductors, nanoscience, and future generation solar photon conversion to photovoltaics and solar fuels.

Ìý We use and develop new optical near-field scanning probe techniques for ultrahigh spatial resolution imaging and spectroscopy for the investigation of molecular and solid nano-structures. This includes the study of the ultrafast dynamics on the nanoscale, and the control of the light-matter interaction by optical antennas and plasmonic nano-devices.

Ìý Our scientific interests encompass different branches of soft condensed matter and optical physics, including novel laser trapping and imaging techniques, molecular and colloidal self-assembly, fundamental properties of liquid crystals, polymers, nano-structured and other functional materials, as well as their photonic and electrooptic applications.

Ìý Our research revolves around the chemical physics of molecular structure and intermolecular interactions. We use infrared spectroscopy of gas-phase cluster ions to investigate how ions interact with solvents and how solvation impacts chemical reactions. In another experiment we study the photophysics of biomolecules and salt ions (e.g. precursors for metal nanoparticle synthesis) and how their interaction with solvent molecules changes their properties. We are currently developing new project areas dealing with the growth of nanostructured materials from small clusters and with the properties of nanoscale materials at very high pressures.