
Regular Seminars Throughout the Year

Physics Department Colloquium
Wednesdays 4:00 p.m.Ìý- JILA Auditorium
Coffee, Tea and Cookies will be available in DUAN G1B31 3:30 - 3:50 p.m.

Physics GraduateÌýResearch Opportunities Seminar Series
Mondays Noon, 11th Floor

Mondays 4 pm, DUAN G125

Last Saturday of the month during the school year at 9:30 a.m., location varies

CMP - Condensed Matter Physics Thursday Seminar
Thursdays noon, DUAN G126

CIPS - Center For Integrated Plasma Studies
Fridays 11Ìýa.m., CIPS conference room (Gamow F931).

Physical Chemistry Seminars
Fridays 4 p.m., JILA auditorium

APS - Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences Colloquium
Mondays 12:15Ìýp.m., JILA auditorium

Applied Math Seminars
Fridays 3:35Ìýp.m., Engineering Center room ECCR 200

Wednesdays 2:00Ìýp.m., CG1, Room 3131

There is always something happening at the Department of Physics. Below is a list of upcoming colloquia, seminars, deadlines and other important dates.

JILA-NIST also provides aÌýÌýfor students and faculty who are interested.
