- Help advance the commitment to being a diverse and inclusive campus by attending the spring summit. The free campus event includes 30 informative, challenging and interactive sessions, as well as a "One Read" to inspire discussion.
- Free and open to the public, the inaugural summit will cover social justice, LGBTQ, race and ethnicity, health and wellness, and careers in sports, including a variety of panelists.
- This free two-day event, a gathering of sharing, learning and action, is designed to cultivate networks and cross-pollinate many environmental and social topics.
- The Graduate Teacher Program will bring speakers from the Front Range and beyond to discuss college pedagogy, academic professional development and employment opportunities.
- Free and open to the public, the Center for the Study of Origin's symposium Feb. 9–10 will explore consequences and resiliencies around volcanoes, in historical and religious contexts and beyond.
- Created for women/woman-identified employees and students, this conference is an exploration of authentic and empowered leadership skills. Register by Jan. 12.
- The Silicon Flatirons conference will bring together a range of professionals, academics and policymakers to consider institutional strategies in the areas of cybersecurity and spectrum.
- With 40-plus sessions, you could make full days out of the summit. Here are a few highlights to spark your interest, as well as a link to the complete schedule of compelling topics and speakers.
- CU Boulder's free Diversity and Inclusion Summit, Nov. 7–8, will include several interactive sessions along the theme: "Building the Road Map: Finding our Way."
- Do you know a struggling reader? BVKID invites parents, students, teachers and the community to a symposium Sunday, Nov. 5, featuring a dyslexia simulation and expert expo.