Struggling Readers Symposium on campus Nov. 5
How can a bright and intelligent child struggle to learn to read? Do you know a struggling reader? Do you know how to help?
Who: Boulder Valley community
What: Struggling Readers Symposium
When: Sunday, Nov. 5, 12:30–4 p.m.
Where:Koelbel Building, Leeds School of Business
BVKID (Boulder Valley Kids Identified with Dyslexia) invites parents, students, teachers and the Boulder Valley community at large to a reading symposium on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 5, in the atrium of the CU Boulder Leeds School of Business.
Check out the sessions below or for more information.
Experience Dyslexia Simulation, 12:30–2 p.m. ($10)
Experience some of the challenges and frustrations associated with dyslexia. Space is limited; .
Meet the Experts, 2–3 p.m. (free)
Ask your questions to reading tutors, teachers, education therapists, neuropsychologists and more.
Presentation by Jonathan Mooney, 3–4 p.m. (free)
Although he did not learn to read until he was 12 years old, has overcome his difficulties and is now a well-known writer, activist and entrepreneur. Come and be inspired!
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