The Minor in Detail

One good reason to take the Linguistics minor is that by learning to analyze language and evaluate claims about language you can improve the quality of your writing and argumentation in your major discipline. You can profitably combine the Linguistics minor with a major in one of the modern languages, Classics, Psychology or Speech, Hearing and Language Science—to name just a few possibilities.

Requirements for the Minor

  • Complete a total of 18 credit hours in Linguistics, 9 of which must be at the upper-division level. Maintain an overall and a LING grade point average of at least a 2.00 (C), and complete all LING courses with a C- or better.
  • Complete LING 2000: Introduction to Linguistics.
  • Complete two of the following 3-credit courses: LING 3100 (Sound Structure), LING 3430 (Semantics), and LING 4420 (Morphology and Syntax).
  • Take the remaining one of the 3 courses listed immediately above and/or choose from the following 3-credit electives to bring your total credit hours to 18 (courses marked with an asterisk * may be taken to satisfy Arts and Sciences Core requirements as well as LING requirements):
    • LING 1000: Language in US Society*
    • LING 1010: The Study of Words
    • LING 1200:ÌýProgramming for Linguists
    • LING 2400: Language and Gender*
    • LING 2500:ÌýRace, Ethnicity, and Language
    • LING 3005: Cognitive Science
    • LING 3220: American Indian Languages*
    • LING 3500: Language and the Public Interest
    • LING 3545: World Language Rights and Policies
    • LING 3550:ÌýTalk at Work: Language Use in Institutional Contexts
    • LING 4100: Perspectives on Language
    • LING 4220: Language and Mind
    • LING 4425: Learning Language in the World
    • LING 4560: Language Development
    • LING 4610: English Structure for TESOL
    • LING 4620:ÌýTeaching Second Language (L2) Oral Skills and Communication
    • LING 4630:ÌýTESOL and Second Language Acquisition: Principles and Practices
    • LING 4632:ÌýMachine Learning
    • LING 4700:ÌýConversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics
    • LING 4800: Language and CultureÌý

This list is not exhaustive; you may use LING electives not listed here. At least three credit hours of your electives must be an upper-division course