Hot off the Press! New in 2018!
Amenabar MJ, Boyd ES. 2018. Mechanisms of mineral substrate acquisition in a thermoacidophile. Appl Environ Microbiol 84:e00334-18..
Amenabar, M.J., Colman, D.R., Poudel, S., Roden, E.E., and Boyd, E.S. Electron acceptor availability alters carbon and energy metabolism in a Thermoacidophile. Environmental Microbiology. Accepted.
Cosmidis, J., Nims, C., Diercks, D., and Templeton, A.S., 2018. Sulfur organomineralization: a new S(0) formation mechanism.Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta,v. 247, 59-82.
Fruh-Green, G.L., Orcutt, B. N. Rouméjon, S., Lilley, M.D., Morono, Y., Green, S., Cotterill, C., and the Expedition 357 Scientists (including RPL members: Brazelton, W., Mayhew, L.E., Schrenk, M.O., and Twing, K.). 2018. Magmatism, serpentinization and life: Insights through drilling the Atlantis Massif (IODP Expedition 357). Lithos, 323:137-155.
Gruen DS,Wang DT,Könneke M,Topçuoğlu BD,Stewart LC,Goldhammer T,Holden JF,Hinrichs K-U,Ono S. 2018.Experimental investigation on the controls of clumped isotopologue and hydrogen isotope ratios in microbial methane.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.237:339-356.
Hoehler, TM, NA Losey, RP Gunsalus, and MJ McInerney (2018) Environmental constraints that limit methanogenesis, in: Stams, A, and Sousa, D (eds) Biogenesis of Hydrocarbons, Springer, Cham.
Johnson, J. E., Muhling, J. R., Cosmidis, J., Rasmussen, B. & Templeton, A. S. (2018). Low-Fe(III) Greenalite Was a Primary Mineral from Neoarchean Oceans. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.
Kraus, E. A., Beeler, S. R., Mors, R. A., Floyd, J. G., GeoBiology 2016, Stamps, B. W., … Spear, J.R. and Corsetti, F. A. (2018). Microscale Biosignatures and Abiotic Mineral Authigenesis in Little Hot Creek, California.Frontiers in Microbiology,9, 997.
Lang SQ, Früh-Green GL, Bernasconi SM, Brazelton WJ, Schrenk MO,McGonigle JM (2018) Deeply-sourced formate fuels sulfate reducers but not methanogens at Lost City hydrothermal field. Scientific Reports 8(755) 1-10.doi:
Lindsay, MR, MJ Amenabar, KM Fecteau, RV Debes, MC Fernandes Martins, KE Fristad, H Xu, TM Hoehler, EL Shock, and ES Boyd. 2018. Subsurface processes influence oxidant availability and chemoautotrophic hydrogen metabolism in Yellowstone hot springs, Geobiology, 16:1–19.
Mayhew, L.E., Ellison, E.T., Miller, H.M., Kelemen, P.K., and Templeton, A.S., (2018). Iron transformations during low-temperature alteration of variably serpentinized rocks from the Samail Ophiolite, Oman. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 222:704-728. Doi:
McCollom, T.M. and Donaldson, C. 2019.Experimental constraints on abiotic formation of tubules and other proposed biological structures in subsurface volcanic glass. Astrobiology, 19,1.
Miller, H.M., Chaudhry, N., Conrad, M.E., Bill, M., Kopf, S. and Templeton, A.S., 2018, Large carbon isotope variability during alkaline methanogenesis.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,v. 237, p. 18-31.
Ortiz, E., Tominaga, M., Cardace, D., Schrenk, M. O., Hoehler, T. M., Kubo, M. D., & Rucker, D. F. (2018). Geophysical characterization of serpentinite hosted hydrogeology at the McLaughlin Natural Reserve, Coast Range Ophiolite. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 114–131.
Price, R., Boyd, E.S., Hoehler, T.M., Wehrmann, L.M., Bogason, E., Valtýsson, H., Örlygsson, J., Gautason, B., and Amend, J.P. 2017. “Alkaline vents and steep Na+ gradients from ridge- flank basalts—Implications for the origin and evolution of life”, Geology 45 (12): 1135- 1138.
Roumejon,S, Fruh-Green, GL, Orcutt, BN, and the IODP Expedition 357 Science Party (including RPL members: Brazelton, W., Mayhew, L.E., Schrenk, M.O., and Twing, K.). 2018. Alteration heterogeneities in peridotites exhumed on the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif (IODP Expedition 357). Journal of Petrology, 59:1329-1358.
Shapiro, B, TM Hoehler, and Q Jin. 2018.Integrating genome-scale metabolic models into the prediction of microbial kinetics in natural environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 242, 102-122.
Trivedi, C.B., G.E. Lau, S.E. Grasby, A.S. Templeton and J.R. Spear. 2018. “Low-temperature Sulfidic-Ice Microbial Communities, Borup Fiord Pass, Canadian High Arctic.” Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 9: 1 - 16 #1622; doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01622.
Wang, D.T., Reeves, E.P., McDermott, J.M., Seewald, J.S., and Ono, S. 2018. Clumped isotopologue constraints on the origin of methane at seafloor hot springs, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 223:141-158. .