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How to treat yo’ self and others, too

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“Treat yo’ self” is a mantra everyone can get behind, and research shows it really can improve your mood. A recent study also found when you treat others, too, everyone gets a psychological boost in terms of mood, functioning and overall outlook. Here are a few ideas to treat yourself and others with a busy schedule.

The psychological benefits
Treating yourself and others is scientifically proven to boosthappiness, health and well-being. It’s also contagious: Researchers have found when someone performs a good deed, those around them are more likely to follow suit. Whatever else you may have going on this week, try to find a little time to spread those good vibes. You—and those around you—deserve it!

Treat yourself

  • If you have 30 seconds:Sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • If you have twominutes:Watch a funny video on YouTube.
  • If you have fiveminutes:to ease your stress.
  • If you have 15 minutes:Slow down and savor your next snack, cup of coffee or meal.
  • If you have all day:Go all in! Grab some healthy, filling food;pick up a book you’ve been meaning to read; or tackle the assignment that’s been lingering on your to-do list.

Treating yourself doesn’t have to cost a lot or be luxurious. It’s about doing what makes you feel a little better with the time and resources you have.

Treat your community

  • If you have 30 seconds:Hold the door for someone.
  • If you have twominutes:Text a friend wishing them good luck on an exam, an easy shift at work, a fun night—whatever you think they need to hear.
  • If you have fiveminutes:Take a walk through Norlin Quad and smile at the people you pass. If you see someone you know, ask how they’re doing.
  • If you have 15 minutes:Do your roommates/family a solid by tidying up the kitchen or living room.
  • If you have all day:Check in with thefor ways you can have an impact locally.