Our spring and fall newsletters contain articles, research, news, and photos about the Geography Department's faculty, students,and alumni.
Table of Contents
- Messagefrom the Department Chair, pg 3-4
- NSF award willsupport Karimzadeh and team in fusingheterogeneous large earth data for sea ice mapping, pg 5
- Mark Serreze: Arctic Specialization, pg 6
- Heide Bruckner: Building classroom-community connections in the time of COVID-19, pgs 7-8
- Barbara “Babs” Buttenfield: What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been, pg 9-10
- Introducing Guofeng Cao, Assistant Professor of Geography, pg 11
- Introducing Dr. Rachel Isaacs, Instructor, pg 12-13 Department N ews, pg 14-17
- Alumni Updates, pg 18
- Donor Support, pgs 19-20
- Message from the Department Chair, pg 2
- Mara Goldman: Reaction to Coronavirus, pg 3
- Page Hartwell: An Undergraduate's Perspective on COVID-19, pg 4
- Satellite-based snowpack information to inform water resource management during the COVID-19 pandemic, pgs 5-7
- Professors Seeking COVID-19 Funding, pg 8
- Human Geography Dimensions of COVID-19 in China, pg 8
- New Faculty: Introducing A. Marie Ranjbar, pg 9
- Narrating Nature: book by Mara Goldman, pg 10
- Emily Yeh: Sabbatical Report: Pastoralists of the Upper Yangtze, pgs 11-12
- Alumnus Update: Brooke E. Marston, pg 13
- Department News, pg 14
- Donor Support, pgs 15-16
Table of Contents
- Message from the Department Chair, pg 2
- Editors' Comments, pg 3
- Mark Serreze Named Distinguished Professor, pgs 4-5
- The Boulder Affordable Housing Research Initiative, pgs 6-7
- Introducing Morteza Karimzadeh, Assistant Professor, pgs 8-9
- Introducing Heide Bruckner, Instructor, pgs 9-10
- Emily Yeh Sabbatical Notes: Post-disaster trajectories in mountainous Chinese village, pgs 11-12
- Alumni Updates, pg 13
- Department News, pg 14
- Donor Support, pgs 15-16
- Bill Travis: Message from the Chair, pgs 2-3
- von Dreden Stacey Fellowship Winners, pgs 4-6
- Mark Serreze: Climate Change Becomes Persona (Non Grata), pgs 6-8
- Introducing Caitlin McShane, New Graduate Student, pgs 8-9
- Introducing Katherine Lininger, New Faculty Member, pg 10
- Seth Spielman’s “Double Life”, pg 11
- Mara Goldman: Examining Nature-Society Relations Across Boundaries, pgs 12-13
- A Career in Geography, Dr. Lionel D. Lyles, PhD, 1977, pgs 14-15
- Alumni Updates, pg 16
- Department News, pg 17
- Donor Support, pgs 18-19
Articles include:
- Message from the chair
- John Pitlick: Guggenheim in the rearview mirror
- Stefan Leyk: Extracting Geospatial Data from Historical Maps
- Fernando Riosmena: Is Climate Change A Driver of Migration?
- Dylan Lanka: Solifluction Erosion
- Kai Kresek: Perception of Neighborhood Space
- Earth Lab Launches New Professional Certificate in Earth Data Analytics
- Department News
Inside this issue:
- Message from the Chair, pg 2
- Tom Veblen Named CU Distinguished Professor, pg 3
- Mark Serreze Named Professor of Distinction, pg 6
- Yaffa Truelove, New Geography Faculty Member, pg 6
- New Geography Instructors, Mike Dwyer and Sarah Kelly, pg 8
- Graduate Student IGNITE Talks, pg 11 Department News, pg 14
- Donor Support, pg 15
- Message from the Department Chair:Emily Yeh providesan overview of recent news relating to the department.
- Project Fire:Human-started wildfires expand the fire niche across the United States.
- Featured Articles
- Hamid Zoraghein from Tehran to Boulder.
- Galen Murton, graduating PhD.
- Jennifer Fluri’s new book.
- Spotlight on Faculty:Babs Buttenfield, Waleed Abdalati, Mara Goldman, Tim Oakes.
- Student News:Robert Andrus, Angela Cunningham, Zhaxi Duojie, Mehran Ghandehari, Eric Lovell, Kyle Rodman, Adam Mahood, Rupak Shrestha, Sierra Gladfelter, Meredith DeBoom, and Joel Correia.
- Alumni News:Ian Rowen, Sarah Hart, Yonten Nyima, and Terry V. McIntyre.
- Emily Yeh provides an overview of recent news andchanges in the department
- Welcome New Faculty:Introducing Colleen Reid and her work
- Profiles of ScholarshipWinners
- We were proud to award six fellowships to these undergraduate students:
- Jasper Schneider, Katie Weimer, Joshua Temes, Kristina Cowell, Nick Whittemore, and Brooke Long
- Faculty Research:Peter Blanken. Barbara Buttenfield.
- Faculty News:Tom Veblen, Seth Spielman
- Department News:Alumnus Risto Marttinen. Grad students: Mehran Ghandehari, Robbie Andrus, Alice Hill, Alana Wilson, Aaron Malone, and Eric Lovell
- Emily Yeh gives an overview of recent news and changes in the department
- Spotlight on Faculty
- Peter Blanken on the UN Climate Change Conference
- Fernando Riosmena discusses Negative Acculturation
- Mara Goldman provides an update on her various projects
- Featured StudentArticles
- Abe Solberg: Visual Media's Influence on Land Policy
- Andrea Baeza Breinbauer: Movement and Space
- Alumni News:Richard Heede, Ronald Cossman, Janet Go, Yu Luo Rioux, Julie Crea Dunba, David H. Hickox, Dana Ziemba
- Faculty News:Mark Serreze, Stefan Leyk, John O’Loughlin, Barbara Buttenfield, Emily Yeh, Noah Moloch, Peter Blanken
- Emily Yeh gives an overview of recent news and changes in the department
- Welcome New Faculty:Introducing Carson Farmerand his work
- Profiles of Scholarship Winners:This year, we were proud to award six fellowships to these undergraduate students
- Faculty News
- Waleed Abdalati speaks at the White House; co-chairs national committee
- Jennifer Fluri and the Boulder Affordable Housing Research Initiative
- Jennifer Balch leads Earth Lab research project; gets fire experiment published in Bioscience journal
- John O’Loughlin wins gold medal
- Suzanne Anderson and the Colorado flood
- Featured Student Articles:Jennifer Bloom,Caitlin McShane,Kate Gregory,Meagan Todd
- Alumni News
- Topics of interest
- Message from Geography Chair, Emily Yeh
- Featured Faculty Articles
- Joe Bryan
- Suzanne Anderson
- Featured Student Articles:Jessica Barnes,Chris Jochem
- Featured Alumnus:Donna Rubinoff
- Faculty/Student News:Succinctly salient summaries of bits and bytes, this and that, and who, what, where.
- Message from Geography Chair, Emily Yeh
- New Faculty:
- Jennifer Balch, assistant professor.
- Jennifer Fluri, associate professor
- Featured Students:Jessica Bobeck,Rory Cowie,Chris Anderson-Tarver,Madison Musgrave
- Featured Faculty:Jennifer Fluri,Jennifer Balch,Mark Williams,Tim Oakes
- Featured Alumni:Succinctly salient summaries of bits and bytes, this and that, and who, what, where.
- Recent publications, grants, awards, & graduate placements:Check out the impressive list of selected job placements, grants, recognitions, and publications. This list includes more recent achievements.
Geography offers many ways of applying solutions to social and ecological concerns. It’s a field where independent and outside-the-box thinking is encouraged.