Degree Pathway

The BAM program master’s degree pathway:

MA in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice

Become an educator or research scholar poised to make a positive impact on education policy. The MA in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice is well-suited for those interested in policy and curricular issues and developing an interdisciplinary lens in graduate level research.


You may apply at the beginning of your junior year or at anytime thereafter prior to completion of your undergraduate studies. Applications are submitted to and reviewed by the .

All applicants must:

  1. Have declared Ethnic Studies as a major.
  2. Have completed all Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS) requirements.
  3. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0.


  • Three letters of reference. Two letters must come from professors with whom you have taken Ethnic Studies or Education courses. The third letter may be from a professor, instructor, or supervisor in a community or educational setting.
  • Personal Statement.

Continuation in the Program

Once admitted, students must:

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Complete 6 credits of graduate-level coursework by the second semester of senior year.

The BAM has a required 5-year time limit. You must complete all requirements for the BA by the end of your 8th semester and complete all requirements for the MA by the end of your final (5th) year.


All students must pursue the non-thesis option for the MA degree and satisfy the MA comprehensive examination requirement. There are two options for satisfying the comprehensive examination requirement: a major paper or take-home comprehensive examination. Each is followed by a 60-90 minute oral examination with a faculty committee. A total of 144 credit hours are required; up to six credit hours can be counted for both degrees. Consult your advisor to chart your degree plan.