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Recording of active harmer response class available

Gather your work team or student group and take advantage of a new educational tool from the CU Boulder Police Department: a full-length active harmer response class, whenever and wherever you want to view it.

Several times during each academic year, the CU Boulder Police Department (CUPD) hosts free, in-person active harmer response classes for faculty, staff and students. 

CU Boulder Police Sgt. John Zizz leads active harmer training class on campus

CU Boulder Police Sgt. John Zizz leads an active harmer training class on campus in February 2017.

Now, in an effort to include those whose schedules don’t align with the quarterly 90-minute sessions, CUPD is offering a video recording of a class delivered in spring semester. Those interested can view the

No registration is needed; participants simply log on, ready to learn what to do in an active harmer situation. The class uses the Department of Homeland Security’s Run. Hide. Fight safety protocol. The recording is approximately an hour and 20 minutes long. 

“We understand that members of the campus community want this content, and we hope that by providing it in an on-demand video format, we can educate more people, more efficiently,” said Garry DeJong, CU Boulder’s director of Events and Emergency Management Division.

The video includes safety instructions, resources and basic statistical data. Every effort is made to address concerns, dispel myths and develop response options. Although the recording contains descriptions and reenactments of disturbing situations, the presentation is sensitive to triggering language and visuals. 

CU Boulder Emergency Management

As a follow-up to this video training, academic departments, work units and student groups can request an in-person site security assessment. During the assessment, Emergency Management (EM) personnel assist in the creation or update of an all-hazards emergency action plan for shared work spaces, including evacuation plans, shelter-in-place plans and how to maintain the continuity of operations. The EM team can also provide a tabletop exercise to test your plan and ensure it’s functional and understandable. 

To request a site assessment after viewing the training video, please contact emergency.management@colorado.edu.