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Making excellence inclusive

The Inclusion, Diversity and Excellence in Academics (IDEA) Plan is the campus’s blueprint for building a roadmap for making excellence inclusive, cultivating diversity, instilling equity as a core value in our community, and structurally re-envisioning and reshaping our campus culture.

The IDEA Plan is the culmination of a four-year effort that included work in 2018-19 by both an authoring and a revising committee that took feedback from more than a dozen town halls and meetings with key constituencies, as well as written feedback during a campus review process in 2018.

The plan is currently under final administrative review by senior campus leadership, who will meet in September with the IDEA Plan authoring committee to discuss the recommendations and their implementation. Key features of the plan address elements of campus climate, infrastructure and leadership, and provide five action areas of focus (under the acronym CLIMB) designed to:

  • Cultivate success for a diverse undergraduate and graduate student body;
  • Learn and lead effective efforts to attract and retain a more diverse faculty and staff;
  • Increase financial resources and incentives to undertake diversity, equity and inclusion work;
  • Move accountability for diversity and inclusion from the periphery to the core of institutional functions, and finally;
  • Build institutional infrastructures and human capacity to implement the plan.

This initiative furthers the public good first by making the university a reflection of the public itself—in all its forms of diversity and complexity—and transforming its own culture to help more students succeed, more faculty to thrive, more staff to feel like valued partners in the academic enterprise and more stakeholders to feel that CU Boulder is a vital, inclusive and culturally competent resource for their communities.