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Financial Futures in new phase as workstreams announced

Following on last week’s Academic Futures update, Senior Vice Chancellor Kelly Fox and Provost Russell Moore today announced that CU Boulder’s Financial Futures initiative has completed its diagnostic phase to identify opportunities for resource generation in support of Academic Futures and other key strategic initiatives.

Upcoming town halls

  Monday, Dec. 17 
  11 a.m. to noon
 UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

  Friday, Jan. 25
   2–3 p.m.
 Rec Center Ice Overlook Room

  Wednesday, Jan. 30
  ​ 4–5 p.m.
 Rec Center Ice Overlook Room

Additional dates will be added throughout the spring semester.

“Members of our community did excellent investigatory work throughout the diagnostic process, and collectively we’ve identified a set of opportunities, or workstreams, that support the university’s core mission and strategic initiatives—Academic Futures, Foundations of Excellence, the IDEA Plan and Strategic Facilities Visioning,” said Fox.

Fox said the workstream areas “provide many opportunities for financial innovation that can help create more resources to fuel the campus’s most innovative ideas.”

The workstreams include areas such as procurement, gifts and executive and extended education, among many others.

Moore said the next phase of Financial Futures, solution design, will require “the creative energy and input of our faculty, staff and students.”

“Their ideas, experiences and innovations will be the measure of effectiveness of the workstream projects,” Moore said.

Moore said he and Fox are grateful to Interim Senior Vice Provost Ann Schmiesing and Deputy CFO Carla Ho-a for their strong leadership of Financial Futures this semester and for the stakeholder meetings they’ve run all semester long.

Moving forward, the Financial Futures team will be hosting a series of town halls that will give an overview of the past semester’s activities, outline the workstreams and who will lead them, preview next steps in the solution design phase and solicit further community participation.

The initial town hall will take place Dec. 17 in the Glenn Miller Ballroom from 11 a.m. to noon. Recognizing the lateness in the semester for this date, we will also host town halls on Jan. 25, Jan. 30 and on additional dates through the spring semester.

“This spring, we will seek ongoing community input and engagement on Financial Futures workstream projects through town halls, listening sessions and requests for ideas,” said Fox. “These opportunities will coincide with and be tied to updates on Academic Futures and our other strategic initiatives.”

Input will also be solicited and updates will be shared via the Financial Futures website—where an overview video is now posted—and through regular initiative updates in CU Boulder Today.

“Financial Futures is the resource engine that will enable us to invest in our academic vision, and that makes this phase an exciting opportunity for our community,” Fox said.