Be represented.

  • Lauren and Chip
    Lauren Thompson happily herds cats. “I have two at home,” she beams. As the new CU Boulder Staff Council Administrator, Lauren’s primary function is attending to the various needs and demands of the thirty-two representatives and six Staff Council
  • Feedback word bubbles
    There has been a lot of buzz lately around President Benson’s upcoming retirement, and the search for a new president will soon be underway. Staff Council wants to make the staff voice loud and clear as the search proceeds, so tell us what matters
  • Jessica and Heather, 2018
    Staff Council kicked off the 2018-19 year with their annual retreat on August 7th in the SEEC Building. The all-day event serves as a time for new members to learn about staff council and for all representatives to form their committees for the year
  • feedback bubbles
    Our role is to represent the interests of our campus’ staff by advocating on a variety of issues, proposing policies, serving in an advisory role to administration, and facilitating a variety of events to bring collaborative opportunities to the
  • gold check, vote
    Staff Council held its annual general elections in April for new representatives and held officer elections in May. More to come on this in our August edition!
  • Co-chairs, john and mirinda
    One of this year’s goals was to ensure that every staff member had a voice on Staff Council and through this inclusion and commitment to diverse representation we would change the conversation on campus. Too often when campus-wide conversations take
  • PERA logo
    Boulder Campus Staff Council will be hosting an informational Town Hall focused on our staff PERA Benefit, Tuesday – May 29th from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in VAC, Room 1B20. The goal of this session is provide insight from VP and Chief Financial
  • Gold checkmark
    Boulder Campus Staff Council is accepting Nominations until April 6, 2018. Ballots will go out mid-April. We encourage you to vote for your peers and ensure your voice is heard. New Officers for 2018-2019 will be selected in May. New representatives
  • Co-Chairs Mirinda and John
    Become a Staff Council Representative (Call for Nominations Extended)Why do we serve?  As this year’s Staff Council’s Co-Chairs, we serve because we are committed to the mission of the university, and to ensuring the CU Boulder staff’s
  • CALL FOR NOMINATIONS EXTENDEDWhat’s the easiest way for you to make a difference on campus? Become a Boulder Campus Staff Council Representative!Want to make a difference on campus? Become a Boulder Campus Staff Council Representative.Are you a
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