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The Leiden Arabic Humanities and Islamic Thought Blog features a post by Aun Hasan Ali

°Õ³ó±ðÌý features a post by Aun Hasan Ali about his recent contribution (co-authored with Hadi Qazwini and Yusuf Ãœnal) to .

"Our contribution to the volume comes from a commentary titled al-WÄfÄ« fÄ« sharḥ al-WÄfiya by the scion of a legendary family of Iraqi sayyids: Muḥsin b. al-Ḥasan al-AÊ¿rajÄ« (d. 1812), also known as al-Muḥaqqiq al-KÄẓimÄ« (not to be confused with Asad AllÄh b. IsmÄÊ¿Ä«l al-TustarÄ« [d. 1819 or 1821], the author of Kashf al-qinÄÊ¿). A sharp critic of AkhbÄrism, al-AÊ¿rajÄ« is counted among the foremost champions of Uṣūlism in the eighteenth century. The original text, al-WÄfiya fÄ« uṣūl al-fiqh by al-FÄá¸il al-TÅ«nÄ« (d. 1660), contains one of the earliest responses to Muḥammad AmÄ«n al-AstarÄbÄdÄ«'s (d. 1626) devastating criticism of developments in Twelver ShÄ«Ê¿Ä« law since IlkhÄnid times."

To read the full post, click .Ìý

Universitent Leiden