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Signs of depression you shouldn’t ignore

umbrella girl

During this time of the year our students are working to navigate campus, foster new friendships and adjust to increasingly busy schedules. These types of transitions can lead to situational depressive episodes, or worsen existing depression. Whether it’s related to their current circumstances or something more longstanding, depressive symptoms can cause major disruptions to our students’ lives.

Here are common symptoms of depression as well as resources and ways to support a student or loved one who is struggling.

1. Difficulty getting out of bed

It’s normal to enjoy sleeping in or spending time in bed. However, if it has become difficult for your student to find the motivation to get out of bed or get ready in the morning, this could be a sign of depression. Depression can make us feel fatigued and physically drained to the point where even small tasks, like getting up in the morning, can feel exhausting or difficult to do.Ìý

2. Sleeping habits

The physical and mental exhaustion that comes with depression may also affect your student’s sleeping habits. Changes in sleep can show up in a number of ways. Sometimes this looks like sleeping throughout the day, using sleep as a way to pass the time or preferring sleep to other daily activities.Ìý

Conversely, sleep changes can also create bouts of insomnia, which can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. Missing out on quality, restful sleep can increase anxiety levels and add to feelings of distress. Sometimes, this creates a cycle where anxious thoughts keep us awake and negatively impact our sleep, which then leads to more anxious thoughts.Ìý

3. Changes in appetite

Your student’s appetite and eating habits can also be impacted by depression. Some people may experience an increased appetite, while others have less of an appetite or not be hungry at all. If you are also noticing changes in your student’s sleep habits, like the ones listed above, you may also notice changes in the way they eat. This is because sleep helps regulate our hunger hormones, which help to keep us from over- or undereating.

4. Persistent irritability or mood swings

Depression can cause us to experience outbursts and mood swings. One minute your student may be angry, the next they may be crying uncontrollably or they may shut down and go numb. Changes in mood can switch in a moment’s notice. Sometimes these changes can be triggered by small or insignificant challenges, while other times they can come about unprovoked. If you notice a pattern of irritability or mood swings that last more than a few days, it may be linked to depression.

5. Difficulty experiencing joy or connection

When students feel depressed, it can take all of the enjoyment out of the things they normally love and make it more difficult to connect to those closest to them. Students may begin to lose interest in hobbies, friendships, schoolwork, social activities or life in general. When this happens, you may notice your student isolating themselves from friends, family members or others who care about them.