- Hall Director
Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, Abigail (she/her/hers) attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio to earn her Bachelor degrees in Photojournalism (BSVC) and Marketing (BBA). Afterward, she moved to Chicago, Illinois and fell in love with city life while working in the private sector for a Canadian company for a few years. Always committed to learning and growing, Abigail decided to change career paths and pursue her Master of Education in Counselor Education with a Student Affairs emphasis from Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. With a life so far full of various formal and informal mentor, advisor, and advocate roles, Abigail is fiercely committed to promoting equity and inclusion, reducing shame and increasing resilience after students experience crises, and supporting all around her to stay curious and live authentically. Outside of work, Abigail enjoys hammocking with a good book, making her way through the menus of locally-owned coffee shops, breweries, and restaurants, and playing cozy core games with her cat, Ollie, snuggled nearby.