- On August 10th, 2017, IAFS Director Tom Zeiler spoke at the Senate of Argentina on behalf of the Fulbright Scholarship Program - the first time a Fulbright Scholar had done so. Tom talked about nationalism in the USA at the Argentine Senate,
- On May 12th, the International Affairs Program honored 195 candidates for graduation during commencement in the Glenn Miller Ballroom.Student speaker Catharine Helmers urged her peers to “challenge ignorance” and be “
- Manuela Stewart Sifuentes (IAFS ‘01) didn’t know what to expect when she signed up to live in the Smith Hall International Program (SHIP) her first year at CU Boulder. She had a general understanding of university residence
- Kayla Malcy (IAFS ’18) knew she was going to live with a host family as part of her spring 2017 semester abroad experience, but wasn’t sure what to anticipate. After being accepted to the SIT India: Sustainable Development
- The International Affairs Program would like to recognize Professor Emeritus Jerry Peterson as the new Chair-Elect for the Forum on International Physics (FIP) as part of the American Physical Society. As a result of the
- International Affairs students launch scholarship fundWithout scholarships, a lot of ‘super smart’ students would not be able to attend or finish college, young philanthropists note(Article source: By Clint Talbott, published in the Colorado Arts
- Denver Attorney Reports To United Nations On Atrocities In South Sudan By Nell London, 3/13/17 published with Colorado Public Radio: Colorado MattersKen Scott is also a lecturer with the CU Boulder International Affairs ProgramA Denver attorney who
- The CU Model United Nations (U.N.) team, sponsored by International Affairs, had the exciting opportunity to attend the American Model United Nations (AMUN) International Collegiate Conference in Chicago last November. The group had the chance to
- Giulia Barnhisel (IAFS ’16) credits a summer internship in Belgium and her senior honors thesis for starting her professional path in international migration and refugee policy. As her understanding of worldwide refugee
- With over 400 education abroad programs available at CU Boulder, Lindsey Folcik (IAFS ’17) carefully chose an exchange program to the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux (Sciences Po Bordeaux). Her Global Grant