Fall 2025 Cuba Global Intensive Program
Fall 2025 IAFS 3000: Politics & History of Cuba
This is a standard 3-hour, upper division International Affairs course in the Fall/2025 semester, after which timetheclasswill travel to Cuba for an intensive10 or 11-day education abroad program. The travel dates, which have yet to be finalized, will be from December 26, 2025 to Jan 4 or 5, 2026. The course is usually capped at approximately 15 students.
ContactDr.GrantCohentolearnmoreabouttheFall/2025globalintensiveprogramonCuban thePolitics and History Cuba. Dr. Cohen will explain the cost, dates, what you can expect to experience on the program, as well as the controlled registration process to sign up.
- Spend10or11 daysinCubaexploringthefollowingdestinations:Havana,Cienfuegos,Bay of Pigs, Trinidad, Santa Clara and Vinales. Learn about Cuban politics, US-Cuban relations, economics, history, and society directly from local experts to everyday people.
- Meet with local experts, such as:entrepreneurs, economists, historians, gender and race experts, architectural experts, a former member of the Cuban Congress, and everydaylocalfamilies.VisitOldHavana,salsaclass,theRevolutionPlaza,theNational MuseumofFineArts,acigarfactory,CheGuevara'sstatue/mausoleum,andprivatejam sessions with influential Cuban musicians.
- VisitthesiteoftheBayofPigsinvasion(PlayaGiron),Cienfuegos,CheGuevara'sstatue and mausoleum in Santa Clara,and spend three nights in Trinidad,a beautiful, fun, historically significant town in the Sancti Spiritus region, a major area for sugar production.Finally, visit Vinales, the beautiful countryside and Cuba’s main tobacco growing region located a few hours from Havana.
Thisglobalintensiveprogramisspecificallygearedtoward,andprioritizing,students of the International Affairs (IAFS) program.