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June announcements for graduate students

Professional Development

  • Apply to be a mentor in the Graduate Peer Mentoring Program.
    • Apply to participate as a mentor in theGraduate Peer Mentoring Programfor the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year. The role of a peer mentor is to provide support, community, and information to new graduate students as they navigate their first year. Personal application links have been mailed to each student, and the deadline to apply is May 31. ContactHailey.Herman@colorado.eduwith questions.
  • Endurance PhD/MA Seminar Series: Wellness Deep Dive– Starting June 6 on Mondays @ 9-10 a.m. or 10-11 a.m. in CASE, Room E422
    • Leslie Blood, PhD, director of Graduate Community and Program Development, and guest speaker, Stacy Gerberich, PsyD, CAPS embedded therapist for the Graduate School, will facilitate a close examination of the Enneagram as we learn to use this model for self-understanding as well as help you overcome self-defeating patterns. Join us on a journey towards meeting your needs, creating deeper connections with self and others, and pursuing a life aligned with your values..
  • Endurance PhD/MA Seminar Series: Resiliency and Habits– Starting June 7 on Tuesdays @ 11 a.m.–12 p.m. via Zoom
    • Resiliency is instrumental to sustainability, endurance, and long-term success. Luckily, there are many different skills you can learn to help build a resiliency practice. One of the most important aspects of resiliency is the creation and development of habits. This summer, join Leslie Blood, PhD, director of Graduate Community and Program Development, to focus on determining which habits move us towards alignment and then putting them into practice..
  • Defining Self-Care– June 21 @ 12–1 p.m. In CASE, Room E422
    • Define what self-care means for you, how it can support your success, and create a plan that identifies strategies that work for you and reduces barriers to practicing self-care. Jennie Bernstein, PsyD, Training and Coaching Program Manager, and James Huffman, Academic Partnerships and Outreach Program Manager, from Health Promotion will guide you through this two-part series tailored to graduate students..
  • Grad+ Summer Book Club– June 23 and July 19 @ 3–4 p.m. at Rayback Collective
    • This summer, join us in readingby Angela Duckworth. We will discuss the book and how to apply it to your academic and personal goals.

Graduation Deadlines

  • June 15: Graduate students who have not already done so mustapply online to graduatethroughon the “apply for graduation” card in order to have the degree awarded in August. This is required even though there is no universitywide ceremony.PhD students must enter their dissertation title as part of the online graduation application, and the title may be updated until this deadline.This title will appear on your transcript after your degree is awarded.

Planning to have your degree awarded in summer 2022? Preview additional upcoming graduation deadlines on the.