Honors & Awards
- Travis Klingberg has been awarded a US Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship for 2010-2011. Klingberg studies the relationship between Chinese independent tourists traveling domestically
- Jenn Dinaburg has been awarded a US Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship for 2010-2011. Dinaburg studies Tibetan medicinal plant management in China. She investigates how the transition from
- Ted Holland won the Russian, Central Eurasian and East European Specialty Group's Dissertation Enhancement Award at the annual AAG meetings in Washington DC. Ted's dissertation is titled "Geography and Identity in Russia's Buddhist Republics."See
- Natalie Koch and Grant Garstka swept the Russian, Central Eurasian and East European Specialty Group's Best Student Paper Award at the annual AAG meetings in Washington, DC. First prize went to Natalie's paper, titled "The Monumental and the
- Adam Williams has been awarded Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships from the Center for Asian Studies for Summer 2010 and for the 2010-11 academic year. He will be studying Chinese language in preparation for his PhD fieldwork on the
- Amelia Schubert has been awarded a Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship from the Center for Asian Studies for Summer 2010. She'll be studying Korean language at Ewha Women's University in Seoul. She will also be spending part of the summer
- Julia Hicks Receives Adam Kolff Memorial Fellowship, CU Geography
- Jeremy Smith has been awarded a 2010-2011 Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the University of Colorado. Jeremy's research explores the climate effects on sub-alpine tree mortality in the Front Range.
- Grad student Jennifer Petrzelka was one of two winners of the 2010 student prize for best presentation at the Hydrologic Sciences Symposium hosted by the Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program, Boulder CO.
- Graduate student Rory Cowie receives Church award for best student presentation ($150) at the Western Snow Conference in Logan, Utah