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The Presence of Absence in Geographic Visualization

Anthony C. Robinson
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
The Pennsylvania State University

In Person:
GUGG 205
Mar 18, 2022, 3:30 PM

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Spatial data are pervasive and seem to expand in scope and coverage all the time. We can now find spatial linkages in less-conventional sources like text, audio, and video. Sensor networks are emerging that leverage mobile phones as detection devices for a massive range of human activities and changes to our environment. This spatial data deluge presents challenges to our ability to visualize and analyze everything in a meaningful manner. It also prompts us to engage with what might be missing from our data, and to explore how we might make what is missing more evident to users. In this talk I describe some of the challenges associated with crafting geovisualizations that attempt to highlight absence and missingness, drawing on examples from recent work to explore human activity and behavioral interventions intended to curb the global pandemic.

Video Presentation


Colloquium poster with title, timeuium