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Words of gratitude for our 2024 mentor teachers

Each year, over 200 mentor teachers from over 30 partner schools give their time, energy and expertise to supporting our CU Boulder School of Education student teachers. Watch our video or read the quotes below to see how mentor teachers impact our student teachers.

We asked our students, how has your mentor teacher impacted your student teaching experience?

Having a mentor teacher to really reflect with and connect with about even the little moments that are happening every single day in a classroom has been absolutely amazing. To have that backbone of support though the process of learning how to teach and having a person to give me feedback has been an amazing experience.”—Caitlin Johnston, BA in Elementary Education

In so many ways. Without seeing a mentor teacher or having those relationships, I don't know if I could have done it. It's just been incredible to be able to co-teach and co-plan and see someone else in a real context outside of our education classes and see someone do the real work and be able to get feedback and questions and pose any sort of problems and seeing how they do it. It's just invaluable.”—Marcus Willimas, MA+ Teacher Licensure in Secondary Humanities

Without my mentor teacher, I would be pretty lost the whole way through. She supported me every step of the way, and as I grew my confidence in being an educator, she was there to meet me with challenges and encourage me to expand my horizons. She was a supportive mentor who helped push my abilities as an educator.”—Hunter Mayhew, MA+ Teacher Licensure in STEM Education

“It's been able to make me feel more confident in my teaching and be more reflective on the practices I'm using and to adapt what I'm doing.”—Grace Haas, BA in Elementary Education

“I think it's really helped my confidence for just being in the classroom and knowing what it takes to be a teacher day in and day out. When I first showed up to the school, I felt like I had no idea what it really meant to be a teacher but leaving this year gave me a way better idea of what to expect.”—Derek Wasiecko, BA in Elementary Education

“I think having a mentor teacher has created my entire experience. I wouldn't be where I am without her. Just from practicum last year and then coming into the classroom and having her to guide me kinda along the way. Always giving me positive feedback and helpful hints but after the fact, actually letting me build on that with my next lessons. She's taught me how to build positive relationships with my students and other teams in the classroom. Everything I learned she just pushed me out of my comfort zone to the point where I am ready to teach at my own classroom and am really excited. Everything I learned was from her.”—Tatum Rohdes, BA in Elementary Education

“Having a mentor teacher has impacted my student teaching experience in so many ways. It’s given me a template for how to act, how to be, and how to plan as a teacher. It’s given me so many wonderful experiences of seeing how they work and collaborate with their fellow peers and has given me a template with how I am going to work with mine in the future. It's also inspired me to become a mentor teacher when I finally get that chance.”—Ridge Isley, BA in Elementary Education

“Having a mentor teacher has been really nice for my experience because I was able to learn everyday with the same person and keep it consistent and knowing exactly what that routine would look like.”—Kathryn Stone, BA in Elementary Education

“It's great to have someone to really look up to. My mentor teacher, she's really awesome and amazing, even though sometimes she’s like ‘don't follow my instructions’. She's absolutely the best mentor I can ask for. She knows how to co-teach because she co-teaches with the other fifth grade teacher, and she's just so open and welcoming.”—Jennifer Jinnohn Douglas, BA in Elementary Education

“It's been amazing to work with a teacher who has been teaching for over thirty years and just learn from someone who has been in it for so long. It has influenced me in how I go about teaching in my everyday life.”—Abigail Bonanotte, BA in Elementary Education

“[My mentor teacher] has just taught me so much throughout this year. I've learned a lot especially in regard to like literacy instruction and group management and just like all things education. I feel really appreciative that I got a mentor this year and I wouldn't have it any other way. I really appreciate it.”—Analise Schultz, BA in Elementary Education

“Truly, I don't think that my student teaching experience would have been anywhere nearly as powerful or as life changing without [my mentor teacher].”—Madeleine Leman, MA+ Teacher Licensure in Secondary Humanities

“Truly immensely in almost every way. [My mentor teacher] is always been there to teach me what I might have missed from school. Or just correct me when I just start going off and it's nice to have someone to lean on like that. That is constantly there because you can't bring the whole School of Education into the classroom.”—Roxanne Garland, MA+ Teacher Licensure in Secondary Humanities

“This semester working with my mentor teacher has definitely helped me learn a lot of new strategies that I wanna use in the classroom. It's also a really great opportunity to get to know a new group of students and work with them closely. And work with my mentor teacher to meet their needs in the classroom.”—Aspen Krist, teacher licensure in secondary science

“It's made me a lot more confident. The advice that grant has offered me is invaluable as well as the opportunities that he allows me to take part in in his classroom. Along with planning my own classes and supporting students and building relationships. It's really been an amazing experience.”—Jo Robbins, MA+ Teacher Licensure in STEM Education

“Having a mentor teacher has greatly impacted my student teaching experience because the advice, the investment, and the encouragement that my mentor teacher has given me is incomparable. Words can't describe the amount of support that I received and it definitely wouldn't have been the same without that support and encouragement.”—Samantha Milison, MA+ Teacher Licensure in STEM Education

Do you have any messages or words of gratitude you would like to share with your mentor teacher, School of Education supporters, or about your field experiences?

I really wouldn't be where I am as a teacher without you. Thank you so much for all the effort and the help you put in. Inside of school, outside of school. All the support you're giving me through every idea I have, like helping me add to every idea. Even when I'm teaching my lessons you're on the side there adding in and helping me, supporting me along the way. So thank you.”—Tatum Rohdes, BA in Elementary Education

I would not be where I am without Ian Evans, he truly has just been like a light in the darkness. He's helped me see things from different ways. He's helped me realize that even when it's hard I still wanna be a teacher and he's everything is strive to be as a teacher.”—Roxanne Garland,MA+ Teacher Licensure in Secondary Humanities

Honestly, no words can describe how thankful I am. I think that this has been one of the best experiences that I've had on my educational and teaching journey. I think Becky Bullman is a great mentor teacher and I'm just super lucky and super fortunate and I wouldn't change a thing. So, words can't really describe my gratitude. I'm really grateful.”—Samantha Milison, MA+ Teacher Licensure in STEM Education

“I would just tell her thank you for everything and thank you for being a shoulder of support. And being there for me when I need you.” — Grace Haas, BA in Elementary Education

“I want my mentor teacher to know that I love her very much and she taught me so much more than she will ever know and I will continue to take all that I learned and apply it now that I'm going into a classroom of my own.” — Caitlin Johnston, BA in Elementary Education

“I just wanna say thanks for everything. I know it's been super busy for him and everything in life. Thanks for giving me the time and helping set everything up for the future.”—Derek Wasiecko, BA in Elementary Education

“Tyler was very qualified to be my mentor teacher. He was the best mentor teacher I could have asked for at a certain time when I didn't think I was going to be able to have a mentor teacher. I really appreciate everything he has taught me. I've appreciated every step of the way that we've taken and I'm looking forward to working with him next year so much. And also a quick shout out to my first mentor teacher, Sara. Unfortunately I didn't get to finish the year with her but I appreciate her as always and I know that I am making her proud as well. So, thank you so much.”—Ridge Isley, BA in Elementary Education

“I just want to say thank you for vocalizing everything for me. I feel like I've grown so much by the small things that you've taught me on a daily basis. I just really appreciate the constant support that I felt like in your classroom and at the school overall by our students. Everything was wonderful. So, thank you.”—Kathryn Stone, BA in Elementary Education

“Robin, thank you so so much for taking care of me this entire year. I really don't have enough words and gratitude to express that but know that you have been awesome and amazing. And you have really helped shape the teacher I am today. So, thank you so much for that.”—Jennifer Jinnohn Douglas, BA in Elementary Education

“I would like to thank Rebecca in so many ways and endless throughout all of time. I will never forget our time together. It's been so impactful to me. She's been like a big sister. And our sixth period class will live on in infamy.”—Marcus Willimas, MA+ Teacher Licensure in Secondary Humanities

“I mean it from the bottom of my heart that you are the teacher I would love to be one day, and I see so many phenomenal qualities and the things that I hear from students is so inspiring. You had students visit this year from a couple of years ago that are still begging to be in your class. You are just really unbelievable and you taught me so much both about the active teaching and what it means to be a human that teaches”—Madeleine Leman, MA+ Teacher Licensure in Secondary Humanities

“Thank you so much for all the support throughout the past two years. It's been amazing. I love working with you and at the school in general so thank you. I appreciate it so much.”—Abigail Bonanotte, BA in Elementary Education

“Burns, I appreciate you for everything you do. I've learned so much from you and I'm really going to miss being in the first grade with you. Thanks for an awesome year.” —Analise Schultz, BA in Elementary Education

“I am immensely grateful, and I will miss our Starburst snack time after lunch. But it’s a tradition I will continue in my own teaching career going forward.”—Hunter Mayhew, MA+ Teacher Licensure in STEM Education

“Thank you for having me here this semester. It was really wonderful being in your classroom and I hope next year is not too difficult for you.” —Aspen Krist, teacher licensure in secondary science

“Just really grateful for the whole experience and for all his help and all the stuff that I've experienced at Niwot. I really do feel more confident and maybe my next year is not going to be exactly feeling like second year of teaching but it definitely should be better than an actual first year of teaching.”—Jo Robbins, MA+ Teacher Licensure in STEM Education

Thank you to our mentor teachers for all of your dedication and support!