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Thinking Ahead

soccer player

As a defender in her youth soccerdays, Scout Watson (Comm’18) knewconcussions all too well –– she had four.Now a goalkeeper for CU women’ssoccer, she’s embraced an experimentto reduce the odds other players willsuffer the same fate.

Buffs head coach Danny Sanchez recentlycame up with a plan to eliminatemost of the long balls launched by goalkeepersthat tempt field players to leapup and direct them with their heads.

For example, if Watson fields the ball,she’s no longer supposed to kick it high anddeep to clear her end. Instead, she throws itout to a teammate from below waist-level.

“It was a lot different,” Watson said ofthe change, which was implemented inApril spring games against Air Force andNorthern Colorado. “I feel like it reallyworks. … A lot of balls on the ground madethe game go faster. The flow was smoother versus long balls being more choppy.”

The new protocol, which eliminatesas many as 40 to 50 long balls pergame, according to Sanchez, was alsoin effect for a round-robin withDenver and Colorado College.

“They jumped on board,” Sanchez saidof his fellow Front Range coaches.

As a national movement to minimizeconcussions in football gains steam,leaders in other sports also have beenreviewing ways to prevent head injuries.

“The Colorado coaches, like allcoaches, have a huge concern with playerhealth, and for us to band together to take a look at a potential positive step inthis regard is exciting,” Sanchez told CUBuffs.com in late March. “Spring practicegames are a time for coaches and playersalike to learn, and this is an importantinitiative for the groupto do that.”

Sanchez’s suggestedrules were in effectfor a few games thisspring only. He saidhe’ll await results ofsurveys of players andcoaches administeredby Kathryn Hardin, aclinical associate professorand brain injuryspecialist at CU-Boulder,before decidingon next steps.

“I think we’re a longways from [changes atthe NCAA level],” hesaid. “We’re lookingat it, if they look backand say [CU is] whereit started, we wouldn’tbe against that.”

Photo by CU Athletics