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"Science, Evolution, and Islam in theModern Middle East” on March 21st

Join the CU Mediterranean Studies Group in conjunction with theCenter for Asian
Studies & the Center for Western Civilization as on March 21st at CU Boulder for two talks byProf. Justin Stearns (New York University–Abu Dhabi).

"Science, Evolution, and Islam in theModern Middle East” will be held on21 Marchfrom11:00am-12:15pmin Room 245 of UMC.

"The Rational Sciences in Seventeenth Century Morocco: Philosophy, Incommensurability, and History" will be held on21 Marchfrom5:00-7:00pmin Room 415/417 of UMC.

For registration for all events and information, please contact: Jeffrey Baron (jeffrey.baron@colorado.edu).

Refreshments will be provided at all events.Please RSVPby March 9th for Prof. Narvaez and Prof. Lopez-Baralt and RSVP byMarch 16thfor Prof. Stearns


According to the organizer, 40 people attended the three successful events. In light ofProfessor Stearnstalk on evolution, students were able to see that social and political factors shaped the reception of On The Origin of Species as much as religious texts. Furthermore, this lecture attracted a wide audience including members of the general public and faculty from other institutions. In discussions after the talk, Professor Ali was able to form a relationship with Professor Dale Stahl of CU Denver.In the same vein, at lunch, a graduate student was put in touch with a scholar at CU Denver with shared interests.In the evening talk, Professor Stearns reconnected with a faculty member in the Department of History and sparked a new relationship with a faculty member in ALC. Professor Stearns indicated that all of these faculty members would be welcomed at NYU–Abu Dhabi, setting the stage for future collaborations.