If you are already registered, you may follow this. Highlights include: 200+ paper presentationsrepresenting a diverse range of disciplines and topics within Indonesian Studies. You can browse the.
This year we are honored to welcome to the conferenceIndonesian Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Rosan Roeslani,andEducation Attache, Dr. Diah Ayu Maharani,from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington D.C. Our esteemed guests will provide remarks during the closing ceremony of the conference on Saturday, July 15, 2023 (US and Indonesia).
We are excited to welcome three distinguished keynote speakers to the conference:
Lorraine Aragon(Professor of Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) speaking on the subject ofHer talk will reflect on two decades of researching how the multiplicity of regional arts as they are practiced across Indonesia inform more nuanced understandings of intellectual property than are typically framed in international debates and national regulations. The session will be moderated bySandra Sardjono(President and Founder, Tracing Patterns Foundation).
Wening Udasmoro(Professor of Literature and Gender, Universitas Gadjah Mada) will share empowering stories from her research onHer keynote session will draw attention to local efforts to sustain peace in regions with a history of religious and ethnic conflict and highlight how hegemonic masculinity associated with violent practices are shifting towards more non-violent hegemonic forms of masculinity among Ambonese youth 20 years post-conflict. The session will be moderated byIzak Y.M. Lattu(Professor of Theology and Sociology of Religion, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana).
Todung Mulya Lubis(Former Ambassador and Professor of Law, The University of Melbourne) will discuss the subject ofWith the enactment of a new penal code in Indonesia, this keynote will explore the history of law reform in Indonesia to address challenges the nation has in replacing colonial laws, and the implications this process has had within Indonesia’s new legal system and global positionality moving forward. The session will be moderated bySulistyowati Irianto(Professor of Anthropology of Law, Universitas Indonesia).
The plenary program will also include the followingspecial sessions and film screening:
presents a moving account of the daily lives and citizenship struggles of Indonesians of Chinese descent in Yogyakarta. This film explores the reality of social citizenship for Chinese Indonesians, and examines how and why at times Chinese Indonesians come to be treated as less-than-equal citizens. The film is the seventh installation in thefilm series created in collaboration between the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS) Graduate School at Gadjah Mada University; the Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University; and WatchDoc Indonesia, with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation. The screening will be followed by a conversation with filmmakersDandhy LaksonoandMuhamad Sridipo(WatchDoc), film researcherSamsul Maarif(Universitas Gadjah Mada), executive producersZainal Abidin Bagir(Universitas Gadjah Mada) andRobert Hefner(Boston University), and moderated with a response byAriel Heryanto(Monash University).
will bring together a group of engaged scholars and movement leaders to discuss the ways in which Indonesian nationalism articulates with West Papuan lives and sovereignty. The session will feature invited speakersCamellia Webb-Gannon(University of Wollongong Australia),Ronny Kareni(Rize of the Morning Star),Hatib Kadir(Universitas Brawijaya),Jenny Munro(University of Queensland),Elvira Rumkabu(Universitas Cenderawasih) and moderated byTimothy Daniels(Hofstra University).
Anticipating an election cycle in Indonesia next year, this session will feature a panel of political science experts to offer insights, analysis and prediction results along with possible consequences to the future of Indonesia’s domestic political dynamics as well as Indonesia’s position in the global affairs. Panelists includeTom Pepinsky(Cornell University),Eunsook Jung(University of Wisconsin-Madison),Dewi Fortuna Anwar(National Research and Innovation Agency, BRIN),Djayadi Hanan(Universitas Islam International Indonesia and Lembaga Survei Indonesia), andMade Supriatma(Joyo News and ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute).
Please visit theorfor more information. If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee atconference@aifis.orgorasiansc@msu.edu. We strive to welcome all to the virtual conference. Please contact us if you experience any financial barriers to accessing the event.
Sampai ketemu! See you then!
Co-Sponsored by the Center for Asian Studies |