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Tech Spotlight: iClickers for Remote Courses

OIT is moving to a new system for in-class polling and low-stakes, formative assessment.iClicker Cloud, the cloud-based instructor polling software, is more versatile than iClicker Classic, offering the instructor flexibility in polling, attendance, and sharing teaching and grading responsibilities.iClicker Reef, the new student portal for iClicker, is a one-stop option for students to register their iClicker remote, review iClicker questions (and how they answered them), and most importantly, to respond to in-class questions while learning remotely in synchronous classes.

In an all-remote synchronous course, instructors aren’t limited to just multiple-choice questions.They can ask short-answer (up to 16 characters), numeric, and “target” (image-based) questions.Students using mobile polling in iClicker Reef can answer from wherever they are, using their phone, tablet, or laptop.They also can see in real-time what their answer is, whether it’s been recorded, how the rest of the class responded, and even whether they got it correct or not.Students using regular iClickers in a face-to-face class also need to use their iClicker Reef account to register their clickers.Then, all the same metrics are available to them.While there are many benefits to this, one stand-out plus is that instructors no longer need to constantly upload clicker grades to Canvas.The grades are available for students to review on their own device.

For more information about iClicker Reef and Cloud, visit .