- The origin(s) of Madagascar “forest” or “wild” cats has long been a mystery
- The song spread is critically important in defense of a territory and the song is also evaluated by females as a facet of courtingFrom the branch above me, a male red-winged blackbird took a deep breath, hunched up his shoulders, flared the feathers
- Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to ‘talking to students and colleagues in the hall, and just walking around in a place where curiosity and learning is putting that good shine in everyone’s eyes
- Carly Peterson The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting everyone’s lives—and students at the University of Colorado Boulder are no exception. From moving off campus to adjusting to classes online, the lives of students have turned
- 'The experience helped me see how helpful CU Boulder is in crises, and it reminded me that I tend to focus better on class material when it’s taught in-person,' student says
- 'My personal response has been to persevere, to try my best to stay on top of my schoolwork and get the most out of my education,' student says
- Coronavirus interview with leading historian Susan Kingsley Kent
- This outline of anti-Asian racism is adapted from a slide deck that was developed to help educate people about anti-Asian racism that has emerged in the wake of COVID-19.
- The ability for modern religious communities to adapt and innovate rituals in light of circumstances, then, has deep and very productive roots